
Beginning of April 2017 Mathieu Joerger, Ph.D  and assistant professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering at University of Arizona in the United States discussed during a visit at INSA Strasbourg with the steering committee future cooperation ways in education and research.

His research activities concern mainly navigation, guidance and control of dynamics systems, integrity of multi-constellation and multi-sensor navigation systems.

from left to right : Nicolas Serres, international coordinator for the speciality of mechanical engineering, Mathieu Joerger, University of Arizona and former INSA student, Marc Vedrines, responsible for the co-op study program in mecatronics FIP MIQ at the International Office – INSA Strasbourg

Mathieu Joerger also visited several research laboratories and pedagogic platforms with research and educational activities in the field of mechanics, mecatronics, plastics engineering, electrical engineering, fabrication (fablab), photogrammetry and geomatics.

As an alumnus of INSA Strasbourg who graduated in 2002 with a double degree (Master of Sciences in the field of mechanical and aerospace engineering of Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago and Diplôme d’Ingénieur spécialité mécatronique INSA Strasbourg), Mathieu Joeger is motivated to set up this new cooperation with his former French Engineering School in Strasbourg.

He would be more than happy to welcome motivated INSA students within this forthcoming partnership in his research laboratory and as double degree students at University of Arizona.

Interesting cooperation prospects are in sight for 2018 and we are happy to set up these new exchanges thanks to the involvement of a former INSA Strasbourg student with such a successful international career.

Angelika Hammann, Head of International Office, INSA Strasbourg

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