For the academic year 2018-2019, the education and research community of INSA Strasbourg is delighted to welcome Dr. James Andrew Smith, P.Eng. Assistant Lecturer, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Dept., Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada, who is joining us as a Visiting Professor.
In Strasbourg he is a member of the Control, Vision and Robotics Lab team (AVR team) which is part of the ICube laboratory.
Dr. Smith is very happy to give lectures in English and French to INSA Strasbourg students in the study fields of electrical, mechanical engineering and mecatronics. He will also teach to engineering students at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences during is stay in Europe.

Dr. James Andrew Smith, P.Eng. Assistant Lecturer, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Dept., Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto, Canada
For more information about his academic background and reaserach interests :
We wish Dr. Smith and his family and wonderful stay in Strasbourg.
Angelika Hammann, Head of International Office, INSA Strasbourg
Photo credit: all rights reserved