
INSA Strasbourg at the heart of the Capital of Europe trains about 2000 students in architecture and 7 engineering specializations in the fields of construction and industry as well as a bilingual Franco-German engineering course DeutschINSA. It offers dual diplomas and Master’s Degrees with international partners in Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Columbia, Egypt, Germany, Morocco and the United States of America. Reaching out to the others and the world in general is a key concept that INSA Strasbourg instils in its students, ever faithful to the humanism of the Rhineland that has perfused the region since the 15th century.

Marc Renner, director of INSA Strasbourg and president of the Conference of Deans of French Schools of Engineering (CDEFI)


Video : Eurometropole Strasbourg

Discover more about Strasbourg and the 10 good reasons to study here  : https://www.strasbourgaimesesetudiants.eu/en/home

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