
INSA Strasbourg receives foreign students under several schemes. Recent announcements concerning student registration fees lead INSA Strasbourg to clarify its position for the 2019/2020 academic year.

International partnerships

Foreign students who complete part of their course of studies at INSA Strasbourg within the framework of an international partnership with their home university are not concerned by the government’s new measures increasing registration fees. The terms negotiated with INSA Strasbourg’s international partners and contained in the cooperation agreements will continue to apply unchanged.  

Students from non-EU countries not covered by partnerships

INSA Strasbourg has the possibility of totally or partially exempting up to 10% of non-grant holding students. This quota enables INSA Strasbourg to apply to students from non-EU countries not covered by a partnership the same registration fees as for French students for the coming academic year. 

As a result, at the beginning of the coming academic year conditions applicable to foreign students at INSA Strasbourg, including registration fees, will remain unchanged. 

The correction of a listing error has affected the number of enrolments in 2019

Campus France has noted a fall in the number of applications from non-EU students on its « Etudes en France » platform. INSA Strasbourg is mentioned as one of the institutions particularly concerned by this fall. However, this is unconnected to the issue of registration fees. The fall in applications is the result of the updating of our training offer on the Campus France site. What happened was that the possibility of a master’s was listed until last year, offering registration on an M1, whereas the institution actually only offers an M2 course. This error was generating M1 applications, which were in fact being passed on to the university that offers this course. The error in the listing was corrected for this last academic year. This has therefore led to a fall in the applications recorded in 2019, which therefore has nothing to do with the registration fees.

Contact: scolarite@insa-strasbourg.fr / 03 88 14 47 12

For more information on how to enrol at INSA Strasbourg, see our website, applicants page (in french).

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