
From 5th to 7th of December 2018 the International Office organized three event-filed days for the International partners of INSA Strasbourg.

29 university teachers and administrative staff members from 11 different partner universities participated to this INTERNATIONAL DAYS.

This event started with a welcome speech and general presentation of INSA Strasbourg by its director, Marc Renner. The focus of the different workshops which followed was on internationalization, exchange of good practices and special features of cross-border cooperation in the field of Engineering and Architecture Higher Education.

Several specific working sessions and meetings organized by the study departments and the research unit took also place and contributed to the deepening of existing cooperation projects in the field of education and research.

For INSA students an International Student Fair with information booths of our foreign partner universities and general information meetings were also organized by the International Offices.

The participants enjoyed the in-between talks with colleagues of INSA Strasbourg and other participating international universities.

The “off” programme of these INTERNATIONAL DAYS consisted of cultural activities such as the visit of the European Parliament, the historical wine cellar of the hospital in Strasbourg and a guided visit of the Christmas Market.

The evaluation sheets were reviewed, and the general feedback suggests that the INTERNATIONAL DAYS were well received and appreciated by the participants.

We would like to thank all visiting international participants and INSA Strasbourg colleagues for their active involvement and support contributing to its success.

It will be a pleasure organizing a new edition of our INTERNATIONAL DAYS in the forthcoming years.

Group picture of the participants of the INTERNATIONAL DAYS taken on Friday, 7th of December 2018

Angelika Hammann, Head of International Office

Crédit photo : Klaus Stöber

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