
Le Groupe INSA a publié le 17 mai 2022 son rapport d'activité 2021. À travers 48 pages, le document retrace une année de chantiers ambitieux et structurants, portés par l'ensemble des communautés INSA. Le document est maintenant disponible en anglais.

This document includes the following topics:

  • Governance: renewal of terms of office and arrival of new directors within the INSA group.
  • Digital transformation: through the « INSA 2025 » project.
  • Diversity and social openness: analysis of INSA’s progress in including students from modest backgrounds in our programs.
  • Environmental transformation: through the ClimatSup INSA project (implemented in association with The Shift Project), to integrate socio-ecological issues in our programs.
  • Education of more humanistic engineers, landscapers and architects.
  • Research: with a national scientific strategy around five issues (energy, environment, digital society, global health, transport and infrastructure).
  • International: supporting INSA students and international students in their orientation and their studies.
  • Partnerships & companies
  • INSA Communities: replanning  activities made by and for INSA group students. INSA Alumni and INSA Students Association.

You can access the French and English versions.

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