
November 26th 2020, Green Phoenix, a Strasbourg-based start'up specialized in bio waste, and ESN Strasbourg (European Student Network) co-organized within the European Week for Waste Reduction an online conference about the recycling and use of bio-waste.

Durant la Semaine européenne de la réduction des déchets, Green Phoenix, une start’up strasbourgeoise collectant en ville des biodéchets à vélo-cargos, et l’ESN (European Student Network – réseau des étudiants européens) ont co-organisés le 26 novembre 2020 une visioconférence relative au recyclage et à l’utilisation des biodéchets.

William Gourdin Servenière, a third year student in electrical engineering at INSA Strasbourg and cofounder of the start-up  Green Phoenix, explained how bio-waste can be transformed into energy or fertilizer. The introductory conference was followed by a debate with European and international students about different solutions.
Indeed, within a future European regulation, European countries have to sort waste for separate treatments.

Enjoy the video of this interesting conference (in French): 

For any further questions about the activities of Green Phoenix or ESN, please contact:

William Gourdin ServenièreErasmus Student Network

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