
For the academic year of 2019-2020, the student’s bureau named not one but two managers for the international pole: Amila Strikovic and Mylène Auguet

They’re 21 and 20 years old and are both studying HVAC and energy engineering. Eager to take part in student activities on campus  they both chose to focus on volunteering  within a multicultural and multilinguistic environment.

Amila is of Bosnian origins and speaks it fluently, it’s her mother tongue. She frequently visits her family back in Bosnia during summer vacation. Native of Mulhouse, she loves to travel and wants to do an internship in Germany next year. Indeed, she is part of the DeutschINSA program which she integrated on an advanced level, therefore benefiting from interculturality classes.

Mylène has been to the USA and spent a month in an English school of London, where she met people from all around the world. She studies English and German and wishes to do her exchange program in Canada, Asia or eastern-European countries.

Enthusiastic and welcoming, they established a program of diverse activities in order to encourage the integration of the international students to INSA and Strasbourg’s student life. To do so, they will first co organize the integration day with the international relations service on the 2nd September 2019. That day will be planned around a treasure hunt, a presentation of INSA Strasbourg and a meeting for the buddy system established for foreign students.

As early as the integration week, a visit of Strasbourg will be organized in order  to discover the unmissable neighborhoods and monuments of the European capital. Then, an international dinner will be prepared around a cooking workshop and a meeting with different roomates of the campus. During Christmas holidays, they will spend some time at the famous Christmas market to benefit from a local experience. One of the two managers will also partake in the ESN (Erasmus student network). This will allow the international pole to have a direct link with them and therefore, commonly organize some activities: https://strasbourg.ixesn.fr/

They planned many other meetings which will be communicated during the student’s bureau presentation in the beginning of the semester as well as throughout the year on the Facebook international group of INSA Strasbourg. Indeed, this group was created as a communication tool for the international students and their buddies.

 They hope to create an amazing experience for the future incoming students !

Photo credit : all rights reserved

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