On 7 October 2019 Prof. Dr. José Mario De Martino from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the prestigious Brazilian university Unicamp came to visit INSA Strasbourg within the framework of a cooperation agreement with the INSA group.
He was welcomed by Dr. Georg Koval, responsible for the French-Brazilian cooperation programme Brafitec and Dr. Thomas Lafont, head of the Electrical Engineering speciality at INSA Strasbourg.
His visit ended with a meeting at the International Office concerning the future development of this cooperation.

Welcome of Prof. Dr. José Mario De Martino at the International Office at INSA Strasbourg. From right to left : José Mario De Martino, Diana Signolet, Angelika Hammann, Georg Koval. Photo crédit : Ghezala Fennouh, International Office
INSA Strasbourg already welcomed students from Unicamp in the past, notably a double degree student in civil engineering who graduated top of his engineering class at INSA Strasbourg and Unicamp last year.
Both institutions would now like to widen their cooperation by welcoming exchange students as well as double degree students in electrical engineering.
For more information about Unicamp, please click on the following links:
- General presentation of Unicamp
- Unicamp Institutional video
- Video of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Unicamp
Lectures are available in English and Portugese.
The international relations team is at the disposal of students and staff members for any further questions about this cooperation (application procedures, grants, study fields…) : relations.internationales@insa-strasbourg.fr
INSA Strasbourg looks forward to continuing and widening its partnership with Unicamp.
Angelika Hammann, head of International Office